a man with pregnant partner

An unplanned pregnancy can be scary and isolating. Oftentimes, conversations focus mainly on the woman’s role and responsibility, but what role does a guy have in an unplanned pregnancy?

We’re diving into this question below, so stick around for some tips on what guys can do to support their partners during an unplanned pregnancy. 

Be a Listening Ear

During this time your girlfriend probably has a lot of unanswered questions rolling around her head. Be there to listen as she sorts through her feelings and processes this unexpected life turn. 

Resist the urge to offer your own advice and judgment on the situation. The time will come when your partner will seek your input and thoughts on the matter.

Embrace the Change

A new pregnancy brings many physical and emotional changes with it. Your partner is likely dealing with nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue. Helping her with everyday tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning can go a long way in communicating how much you care. 

Even just checking in and asking how she is feeling can make her feel very supported. 

Help Gather Information

Your partner will have many decisions to make regarding her pregnancy. One of the best ways to support her is gathering information about all the options. She can choose abortion, adoption, or to parent the child, but understanding the pros and cons of each option will help her make a confident, informed decision. 

It is important to remember that the decision of how to handle an unplanned pregnancy is completely up to your partner. You can offer your thoughts and advice, but you should never pressure her into a certain choice. 

Be An Advocate For Her

An unplanned pregnancy can make you feel like life is spiraling out of control. Birthright of Atlanta is here to support you and your partner during this season of life. We offer free pregnancy resources to ensure your partner feel confident on the road ahead.. 

Call us at 770-451-2273 today to schedule a free and confidential appointment!